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  • Writer's pictureTrung Nguyen

Daily English Conversation: Travel

Ben: Hey Charlie, I'm thinking of visiting New York soon. Any recommendations on a must-see place?

Charlie: Definitely check out the Empire State Building. It's one of the most iconic buildings in the city and offers breathtaking views from the top.

Ben: That sounds amazing. What else should I see while I'm there?

Charlie: You should also make time to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It's one of the largest and most comprehensive art museums in the world. And if you're a history buff, you can't miss the American Museum of Natural History.

Ben: Those both sound like great places to visit. Thanks for the tips, Charlie!

Charlie: No problem, happy to help!

Question 1: What is the Empire State Building famous for?

Question 2: Name two museums that Charlie recommends visiting in New York.

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